Author: admin

Се намалува бројот на болни од туберкулоза

Скопје (22 март 2013) – Во последните 10 години во континуитет има постојано намалување на вкупниот број болни од туберкулоза. Во 2012 година во Македонија се регистрирани 355 случаи со туберкулоза, а во 2002 година тој број изнесуваше 730 случаи. Се бележи и намалување на процентот на заболени деца, минатата година се откриени 29 случаи, го истакна директорот на Институтот за белодробни […]

The SEE Regional Health Centre on Organ Donation and Transplant Medicine supports the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia to improve its current state of art

Just two weeks ago a successful mission  took place in Republic of Serbia organized and conducted by the SEE Regional Health Development Centre on Organ Donation and Transplant  Medicine, designated and acting since 2011 in Zagreb, Croatia, one of the countries with best experience in the area not only in in SEE and Europe but [...]

Newsletter 25/2013

Newsletter 25/2013 March 21, 2013   IN FOCUS read more SOUTH EAST EUROPE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY: A VEHICLE TO BETTER 2020, by Goran Svilanovic, RCC Secretary General The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) marked its fifth anniversary last month. Over these five years of its existence, we saw important steps forward in connecting our region…   OUR […]

The SEE Regional Health Centre on Organ Donation and Transplant Medicine

…  supports the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia to improve its current state of art.   Just two weeks ago a successful mission  took place in Republic of Serbia organized and conducted by the SEE Regional Health Development Centre on Organ Donation and Transplant  Medicine, designated and acting since 2011 in Zagreb, […]

Everybody’s business: economic surveillance of public health services in Alberta, Canada

Philip Jacobs1, Jessica Moffatt1, Arto Ohinmaa2 and Egon Jonsson3 +Author Affiliations 1 Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, Institute of Health Economics, Edmonton, Canada 2 School of Public Health, University of Alberta, Institute of Health Economics, Edmonton, Canada 3 Institute of Health Economics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada Correspondence: Jessica Moffatt, Institute of Health Economics, 1200-10405 Jasper […]

The UNDP has just published the Human Development Report 2013

The UNDP has just published the Human Development Report 2013 entitled “The Rise of the South: Human Progress in a Diverse World”. Ms. Helen Clark, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, highlights in the Foreward: The 2013 Human Development Report, The Rise of the South: Human Progress in a Diverse Worldlooks at the evolving geopolitics of our times, […]

Investment in Health a priority in the Social Investment Package

 Investment in Health a priority in the Social Investment Package The European Commission adopted its Social Investment Package for Growth and Cohesion on 20th February 2013. As highlighted in the Commission paper on Investing in Health included in the package, health is an integral part of the Europe 2020 strategy. The paper recommends reforming health systems […]