Мој термин – ЗУ од специјалистичко – консултативна дејност

Лекарот – специјалист во Мој Термин ја има следнaта улога: да ги креира термините (Време за прием) за преглед на пациенти, и да изврши преглед на пациентите врз основа на добиениот Е-упат. Креирањето на Време за прием се прави во системот Мој Термин, со најава со единствено корисничко име и лозинка или со помош на […]

Со клучни одлуки до здрава заедница

Денеска се обратив на прес конференција за промоција на кампањата „Со клучни одлуки до здрава заедница“ во организација на Здружението на граѓани ХОПС и Платформата за одржливост на програмите за превенција и поддршка на ХИВ. Македонија во моментот е лидер во регионот во превенција од ХИВ, така што еден од примарните приоритети на Министерството за […]

Формирани цени на генерички лекови

    РЕПУБЛИКА МАКЕДОНИЈА МИНИСТЕРСТВО ЗА ЗДРАВСТВО ул. 50-та Дивизија бр. 14, Скопје Датум         31.03.2017 година тел: 02-3112-500   Врз основа на член 108 став 8 од Законот за лековите и медицинските средства (,,Службен весник на РМ” бр.106/07, 88/10, 36/11, 53/11, 136/11, 11/12,141/13, 164/13, 27/14, 43/14, 88/15, 154/15, 228/15, 7/16 и 53/16),  како и членовите 13, […]

Формирање на цена на лекови на оригинатори или на иновативни лекови

 РЕПУБЛИКА МАКЕДОНИЈА МИНИСТЕРСТВО ЗА ЗДРАВСТВО ул. 50-та Дивизија бр.14, Скопје Датум 31.03.2017 тел: 02-3112-500 Врз основа на член 108 став 8 од Законот за лековите и медицинските средства (“Службен весник на РМ”, бр. 106/07, 88/10, 36/11, 53/11, 136/11, 11/12,147/13,164/13, 27/14, 43/14, 88/15, 154/15, 228/15, 7/16 и 53/16), како и членовите 13, 14 и 15 став […]

Four ways to cheer yourself up on the Next Blue Monday!

The theory was first published in 2005 a press released under the name of Cliff Arnall, who at the time was a tutor at the Centre for Lifelong Learning – a Further Education centre associated with Cardiff University. Later, however, the Guardian printed a statement from the university distancing itself from the psychology professor: “Cardiff University asked us to point out that Cliff Arnall… was a former part-time tutor at the university but left in February.”

Blue Monday, which falls on 18 January in 2016, is allegedly the most depressing day of the year. Understandably, tightened purse strings following the festive splurge, time passed since Christmas and failed new year resolutions is not a combination for happiness – but why is the third Monday in January apparently the worst day of the year?

Old cameras can capture images better than nowdays camera!

The theory was first published in 2005 a press released under the name of Cliff Arnall, who at the time was a tutor at the Centre for Lifelong Learning – a Further Education centre associated with Cardiff University. Later, however, the Guardian printed a statement from the university distancing itself from the psychology professor: “Cardiff University asked us to point out that Cliff Arnall… was a former part-time tutor at the university but left in February.”

Blue Monday, which falls on 18 January in 2016, is allegedly the most depressing day of the year. Understandably, tightened purse strings following the festive splurge, time passed since Christmas and failed new year resolutions is not a combination for happiness – but why is the third Monday in January apparently the worst day of the year?

New subway line has the most advanced technology world!

The theory was first published in 2005 a press released under the name of Cliff Arnall, who at the time was a tutor at the Centre for Lifelong Learning – a Further Education centre associated with Cardiff University. Later, however, the Guardian printed a statement from the university distancing itself from the psychology professor: “Cardiff University asked us to point out that Cliff Arnall… was a former part-time tutor at the university but left in February.”

Blue Monday, which falls on 18 January in 2016, is allegedly the most depressing day of the year. Understandably, tightened purse strings following the festive splurge, time passed since Christmas and failed new year resolutions is not a combination for happiness – but why is the third Monday in January apparently the worst day of the year?