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Се намалува бројот на болни од туберкулоза

Скопје (22 март 2013) – Во последните 10 години во континуитет има постојано намалу

The Top Patient Safety Strategies That Can Be Encouraged for Adoption Now

Paul G. Shekelle, MD, PhD; Peter J. Pronovost, MD, PhD; Robert M. Wachter, MD; Kathryn M. McDonald, MM; Karen Schoelles, MD, SM; Sydney M. Dy, MD, MSc

Newsletter 25/2013

Newsletter 25/2013 March 21, 2013   IN FOCUS read more SOUTH EAST EUROPE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY: A VEHICLE TO BETTER 2020, by Goran Svilanovic, RCC

The SEE Regional Health Centre on Organ Donation and Transplant Medicine

…  supports the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia to improve its current state of art.   Just two weeks ago a successful missio

Everybody’s business: economic surveillance of public health services in Alberta, Canada

Philip Jacobs1, Jessica Moffatt1, Arto Ohinmaa2 and Egon Jonsson3 +Author Affiliations 1 Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, Institute of

The UNDP has just published the Human Development Report 2013

The UNDP has just published the Human Development Report 2013 entitled “The Rise of the South: Human Progress in a Diverse World”. Ms. He

Investment in Health a priority in the Social Investment Package

 Investment in Health a priority in the Social Investment Package The European Commission adopted its Social Investment Package for Growth and Cohesi

EuroHealthNet, a partner to the SEE Health Network

EuroHealthNet, a partner to the SEE Health Network, is one of the vital and important organizations promoting and supporting the work of both WHO Regi